We find ourselves, once again, so very thankful for all of the wonderful relationships, clients, and projects with which we’ve had the privilege to be engaged this past year. Cheers and thanks from our team to you!
We find ourselves, once again, so very thankful for all of the wonderful relationships, clients, and projects with which we’ve had the privilege to be engaged this past year. Cheers and thanks from our team to you!
The HDG team adopted a family for the holidays this year! With a group effort that included friends and family, we delivered a stack of gifts including a long list of fundamental needs and just a few fun things sprinkled on top. We were thrilled to be able to do it and loved to see our adopted family so happy!
The HDG team celebrated the holidays this year with a tacky holiday sweater murder mystery party! With everyone in character, we spent several hours with our sleuthing hats on determining exactly what happened, and whodunit. Thanks to McMenamins Kennedy School, we also enjoyed delicious food and drinks for the evening. It was a great time!