Whether it is suburban, urban, large campus, or small infill, HDG has the experience needed to research, troubleshoot, and efficiently create design solutions for new construction, redevelopment, and renovation projects. HDG’s areas of specialization include the following:
Because redevelopment can benefit a community in numerous ways from job creation and retention to density and connectivity, replacing and upgrading infrastructure, sustainability, and multiple additional benefits, we find this type of engineering particularly satisfying. Taking something that was previously underutilized and creating a benefit for the community is meaningful to us. Our experience with redevelopment includes:
We are experts in development in the City of Portland, which combines our expertise in renovation and redevelopment of sites with our expertise in Portland public works permitting. We know the process, formatting, standard notes, and other details, which helps us get through projects faster because simpler items on our drawings do not require redlines. We know the order in which things need to be done, which helps the owner with overall timelines and avoids scheduling delays. We also have a good rapport with the City of Portland staff and know who to ask questions of should they arise.
We also have expertise in the public works permitting processes in numerous other cities and counties in Oregon as well as SW Washington. Our knowledge of permitting processes means we can save you time, money, and potential redesign by knowing the specific requirements, processes, and timelines from project inception. Our experience benefits you in the following ways:
In the suburban setting, HDG has provided civil engineering expertise in 26 different counties across Oregon and SW Washington.
In the urban setting, HDG’s civil engineering expertise covers more than 60 different municipalities and includes frontage improvements, detailed urban street design, and creative design for density. This type of engineering comes with tough challenges, but that’s what sets us apart. HDG’s civil engineering team has the experience to assess as-built documents and properties in order to determine how to best craft creative and efficient solutions for placing new infrastructure within, adjacent to, or in place of existing infrastructure.
Collaborating and working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, our collective experience means we can offer early insights into civil-related requirements, due diligence, and upfront research and leg work to identify as many potential site challenges and constraints as possible at project onset. This allows us to inform the owner/design team about potential civil scope items that may have a cost impact on the project, including items that:
By looking at these and other items at project onset, we can provide early guidance to the project rather than discovering things later in the design process.
HDG has provided civil engineering design services for more than 30 affordable housing developments and completed all of the associated HUD requirements for these developments. As a result, we know how to successfully navigate the specific requirements of affordable housing development. Being familiar with the specific stormwater design criteria and collaborating early with NOAA reviewers allows for quick and easy approvals. HDG’s housing experience also includes:
Civil engineering plays a big part in the successful development, redevelopment, or expansion of campuses. Appropriately planning civil engineering elements can mean eliminating and/or anticipating challenging conditions early in the process, with a direct cost benefit. From planning, entitlements, and approvals to design development and permitting processes, we can help.
We’ve found the best way we can help is to be engaged from the beginning in the feasibility and master planning processes, helping to validate the feasibility of the plan and considering the best approaches to incorporate all infrastructure, earthwork (grading), building or lot configurations, trails, streets, and other elements into the plan as early as possible, saving time and cost later down the project life cycle. Careful planning and assessment of the impacts of all aspects of the design and development are important, and our thoughtful, integrated design aids in the success of the project.
From a civil engineering standpoint, campus development is a collection of individual buildings and their services. Whether smaller or larger in scale, these buildings and elements clumped together all utilize the same or similar infrastructure. Therefore, it can be complex to change or modify one without affecting other facilities on the campus. Whether they are abandoned in place or retained, updated, and/or connected to, utilities lacing the site need to be accommodated. Civil engineering can also have an impact on the integration of site elements as project features. Grading, earthwork, and stormwater management are key components in the puzzle, as they can both create an opportunity for amenities on the site and in the development.
Whether it’s renovation, expansion, or new construction of a campus, our engagement early in the process directly benefits the project. Areas where we can help include: